He is ugly.
• She is beautiful.
• We are angry.
• They are thirsty.
• I am handsome.
• You are slim.
Imagine a red, arid, hot land. With geysers spitting into a dark sky and plummeting in the colder areas. In the hottest there is only lava. There's nothing that looks like a plant. Not even moss. Of course not, because life still doesn't exist. There's only stuff. Minerals, molecules, inert matter,... In a nearby pond, next to a brown rock, something moves inside. But we can't see them so they're molecules, so small they're indistinguishable from the liquid where they are. Suddenly, heat, movement, other molecules or mixing this, along with a little luck, mark the beginning of something completely new; the first germ of the origin of life is growing. • Extract six qualifying adjectives from the text, write them down and set them.
Cuando llego por primera vez a la escuela, voy directamente por el pasillo uno a mi clase de inglés, luego dejo la sala y gire a la derecha para ingresar a mi clase de matemáticas, luego desciendo a la izquierda 4 puertas para llegar a mi clase de español, luego para mi última clase del día voy por 2 pasillos y la tercera puerta a la derecha es mi última clase electiva
you could use this but its probably not accurate to your school day but it works for a school day!
The first one would be correct.