Print on demand books = print on demand publishing, which is a method of producing books in specific quantities that are needed to meet an ongoing bookstore, or book buyer's, orders.
Printing on demand is a book distribution method that was made possible by digital printing (also inseparable from digital printing). It prints books only in response to orders, and only prints the exact amount ordered. Due to the capabilities of digital printing, print on demand is actuallu capable of filling an order for one book profitably.
By making steam engines a reliable power source
The Congress of Vienna was held in order for the powers of Europe to settle territories and boundaries after the fall of Napoleon's Empire in the early 1800's. The conservatives such as Austria and Prussia were quite dominant during the Congress. Their goal was to set some sort of legitimacy in the system that rules Europe, and to balance out power in the continent. France was quite vulnerable and unstable due to its background. However, instability of government was also the case for other European countries. The reason why the conservatives had their goals, is because the liberalism incited by the French Revolution has been consistent with manifesting that it has failed to keep a government's stability. Therefore, it was actually the conservatives who were successful during the Congress, as they were able to achieve their goal of keeping Europe peaceful for about a century.
-Reduced trade barriers and streamlined customs procedures has allowed goods to be easily and readily available throughout the trans-Pacific.
-Reduced trade barriers allow producers to enter foreign market without increasing the price of their product, which improve their overall sales. Removing trade barriers helps emerging markets boost economic growth.
-The streamlined customs procedures minimize the cost by focusing on a specific type of products (mainly electronics)