The matter of independence for those groups came after the end of WWI. It was sensitive since Austro-Hungary was on the losers side of the war and the nations in it were though to have the right to have political control. This triggered nationalistic feelings that were dormant. The Germans taking over the empire was very improbable since the Germans had just lost the war and they would not gain territory or control over other powers. A strong alliance was also not on the cards; the new countries would have little to bind them except history since the people spoke different languages. These differences and the fact that every nation in the mpire wanted to have self-determination would most probably to the collapse of the empire (that is what happened).
Charles x become king of france when 16 september 1824.
hope it help you.
3) after Poland surrendered, what the Germans did to the Jewish was they would take them and put them in carts. The carts would go to different camps that where they would start by lining up in lines and the Germans would seperate the men and the woman and kids. The men would go one way and then woman would normally go to the gas chambers where they were killed. Some of the woman we able to go with the men. But the Jewish were treated very poorly. They wouldn’t get fed and they would sleep in these horrible conditions and would be put to work everyday. If you got too sick or weren’t able to work anymore they would go into the he gas chambers or they would be burned. Everyday there were carts going through the camps and that would pick up some of the Jews and bring them to Auschwitz. Where literally everyone that was there were burned or gassed. No one knew that the Jews were being treated like this, only them and the German Army. Sometimes not even the Germans army’s families knew that they were doing that.
The Paleo-Indians are the first native tribes found in America.
The Civil War benefited the Northern economy, but it left the Southern economy in absolutely terrible condition.