I feel it means that the person doesn't know what to choose
It has a mostly negative connotation
Because the meaning of clean usually refers to taking something away that is unwanted; you clean your hands by washing them you can clean some apples to refresh them, this word has many different meanings comparable to being pure or empty.
First of all i don’t think it’s your fault she’s always mad at you. don’t go and instantly blame yourself. maybe talk to her? ask her why she says these things and ask where she’s coming from. she may be going through a hard time in her personal life and this has nothing to do with you, or maybe there is something that you could work on and with communication you guys could work through it. if there’s nothing or she doesn’t say anything then don’t blame yourself. when you’re feeling down and want to cry, reach out to another family member or a friend to calm you down and remind you that you’re not a burden. but i really would just try talking to her and open up to her about how her words make you feel. i hope things get better for you.
Is a great singer. I think. I might be wrong.
A larger-than-life charecter, funny solutions to problems, and Exaggerated details.