I think this is osmosis so basically the side with more molecules will move to the side with less to even it out
Point mutations are a broad category of mutations that describe a change in a single nucleotide of DNA, such as a substitution for another nucleotide, deletion of a nucleotide, or insertion of a single nucleotide into the DNA, resulting in DNA that differs from the normal or wild type gene...
or you can say:
Point mutations are a large category of mutations that describe a change in single nucleotide of DNA, such that that nucleotide is switched for another nucleotide, or that nucleotide is deleted, or a single nucleotide is inserted into the DNA that causes that DNA to be different from the normal or wild type gene ...
The piano could only be played with 12 fingers, which is rare because humans normally have ten fingers.
Tropical climate is a region of the earth surrounding the equator. When the earth is exposed to light from the sun it is right over the equator and up 23 degrees of latitude Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere and Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere
In the mountains
because its hotter near the equater and it doesnt get that much rain unlike up in the mountains