"Astor’s ship that traveled around South America to Oregon was called the Tonquin. This ship was the finest craft of all private American ships, and was outfitted with ten cannons and a first-rate crew, most of whom were British. When the ship arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River, the crew built a fort which they named Fort Astor. The crew of the Tonquin succeeded in setting up trade with the Nootka Native Americans, but the captain angered the Native Americans. All of the crew except for one were killed. The last crewman blew up the ship, killing looting Native Americans and himself."
Answer: New election campaign methods expanded American democracy and made it easier for more people to participate in elections. The election of 1828 promoted political parties and introduced mudslinging to the elections.
It is important to consider historical evidence when making a historical interpretation because everything needs evidence to make your points, without it there would be no use. Historical evidence will also help when deciding your statement and get more accurate/better results.