there were many people who faced adversity and became heroes.
"With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—" and "They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”
The lines that indicate that the speaker is concerned about what others think of him are: "With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—" and "They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”
In the very first scene, the witches chant "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." This is foreshadowing on several levels. First of all, they are foreshadowing the unnatural events that are going to take place in the play, since only something unnatural can be foul and fair at the same time. Secondly, they are foreshadowing Macbeth's exterior versus his interior and how that will change through the play. He will become fair on the outside but foul on the inside when he welcomes Duncan into his home while planning to murder him. -MsLit
Chloroform in Romeo and Juliet's anthocyanin in pyramas and thisbe
I hope that help's