Lutherism at first was banned and followers were persecuted, however, it soon became dominant in Northern Europe (Scandinavia) and played a role in European thought and unity through the actions of Martin Luther, a key theologician and reformer.
There were 3 main classes.
The patrician which were the upper class consisting of weathly landowners, leading citizens, government officials, and very prosperous business owners.
Next were the plebians. They were ordinary citizens, some of which were successful entrepreneurs while others were small business owners.
And lastly were the slaves. They had no rights at all, they couldn't own land or businesses
Cars Were Made In Factorys-Both
Cars Were Less Expensive-After Assembly Lines
Cars Took Longer To Build-Before Assembly Lines
Cars Were Made By People Before Assembly Lines
I would say A.)
B is not correct because of course there is gonna be a lot of action C is incorrect because it wasn't quick because it lasted 6 years.