I speak Spanish and isimo means we did it
you talk
Explanation:fv talk and learn whith them
Abrir is "to open" therefore the correct word would be Abierto, which would mean it is open.
Answer and explanation:
<em>“To have another language is to possess a second soul” –Charlemagne.</em>
Before answering this question we need to fully understand what do we will be talking about; in this case,<u> the exercise is related to what do individual actions reverberate in communal situations and how different social groups experiment life through different perspectives.</u> Remember that learning Spanish you are acquiring much more than just a new linguistic code, actually, you are linking your life with another way of thinking.
Now, we need to ask ourselves how our actions affect the community which we belong to. Here there is an example between two different social groups:
- Mexicans: Mexican people are known worldwide for being really happy, friendly and partying, but also for being violent, lazy and corrupt. So, Mexican people that travel to other countries on vacation or to live will be in charge of checking or refuting that idea.
- English: They are well known as really serious, hard worker and elegant people who also could be a little rude with the others. Of course it could exist some English that lives with happiness and under control, but the generalization about the social group is quite different.
Now that we know what we have to think about to answer the question here there is an example in Spanish that could be a good answer; we’ll be comparing the same two groups (Mexicans and English):
<h3><em>Es muy común que las acciones que individualmente realizamos repercutan de algún modo lo que nuestra comunidad recibe u otorga a otros grupos sociales; así, la forma en que hemos crecido, la ideología que hemos heredado de nuestros padres y la educación a la que tenemos acceso nos configura como seres que perciben la vida desde un enfoque específico. Tal es el caso de los mexicanos, quienes a pesar de ser un país con muchos recursos naturales y riquezas, es también uno de los sitios con mayores índices de pobreza y desigualdad social; además, poseen influencia española debido al proceso de conquista que vivieron algunos siglos atrás. Podemos decir entonces que su forma de pensar y de ver la vida no será la misma que la de las personas inglesas, quienes nacieron en un país del primer mundo y que han tenido acceso a mejor educación e ideas más libres. </em></h3><h3><em>Aun así, cada cultura y grupo social tiene particularidades buenas y malas y, sin duda, como individuos debemos hacer cosas buenas que puedan impactar positivamente a nuestra comunidad y al mundo entero. </em></h3>