He believed that it would destroy the world existing democracy and that the gov of people could not survive
A lot of places hun. All you have to do is look it up online. Most of the people in here will get it wrong. You can look it up.
Industrialization impacted the 19th century world economy, because it began to show which countries have what it takes to become an industrialized company, and afterwards become a world power. Without the industrialization, America may not have been known to be a world power
The Ku Klux Klan began in 1866 in Tennessee as an organization of Confederate veterans of the Civil War. They derived the name "Ku Klux" from the Greek word κύκλος (<em>kuklos) ,</em> which means circle. The group became a resistance movement against radical Reconstruction in the South, seeking to intimidate blacks and restore white supremacy. The group carried out many acts of extreme violence, and acts in Congress and a decision by the Supreme Court <em>(United States v. Harris, </em>1882) went against the Klan. By that time, though, the Klan had mostly stopped operating because it had pretty much achieved its goal: white dominance in the South.
A revived version of the Klan appeared again beginning in 1915, expanding its target beyond blacks to Jews and others. At its height in the 1920s, this revived version of the Ku Klux Klan had more than 4 million members. Today it is a fringe group in the US, with only a few thousand members.