That is has less mass
so basicly when you put it in water is would be higher then the one that has more density
All the time, to all the things that have to be done.
Students show nationalism with their hard work. They are patriotic if they love and promote the products of their country.
</span><span>In the campus, students compete </span>for self-improvement.<span> Here, individualism is evident. It is</span><span> a factor for competition, however, </span><span> in a way it </span><span>aspires for nationalist and patriotic aspirations. At this point, it sets at a higher level of an individualist goals for the country's needs.</span>
Answer: Centaurs
Kinnaras, another half-man, half-horse mythical creature from Indian mythology, appeared in various ancient texts, arts, and sculptures from all around India. It is shown as a horse with the torso of a man where the horse's head would be, and is similar to a Greek centaur.
It comes from the ancient Greek word kentauros, which is sometimes considered to literally mean ‘bull-killer.’ According to the Greek mythology, there was a whole race of them, usually described as ferocious and with somewhat beastly and uncivilized appetites. Chiron was unique case: he was Cronus’ son, wise and just, and had taught a lot of Greek heroes like Achilles and Jason.
In addition to the physical differences between the two girls—Marcia was “cute,” but Cherry was “a real looker"—Ponyboy first realizes that Cherry and Marcia “weren’t alike,” by the way each girl handles the Coke Dally gives them.
Dally sees Ponyboy and Johnny at the movies with the two Soc girls and joins them. Dally thinks Cherry is attractive and he starts smart-talking her and saying inappropriate things to her. When he offers to bring everyone a Coke from the concession stand, Cherry is angry at the way that he has behaved and menaced them. She wants him to leave and tells him,
"I wouldn't drink it if I was starving in the desert. Get lost, hood!"
When Dally comes “striding back with an armful of Cokes,” and arrogantly says, “This might cool you off.” he hands one to each girl and their reactions are completely different. Cherry throws her Coke in Dally’s face, telling him,
"That might cool you off, greaser…”