Inner conversation means that there are two voices in the two parts of the cerebral hemisphere of the brain. The inner parent represents the left side of the brain and the child represents the right side of the brain and is described as the inner parent self-parenting the inner child and often resembles the parenting they grew up with as a child.
When I was travelling in Mexico, on my own, recently graduated from university, on my way to Central and South America, and I was in Mexico City, I wanted to see the ruins of Teotihuacan but didn't know how to get there and my Spanish was rather limited as I was just learning to speak it. So in the streets behind the Zocalo cathedral, I asked some small kids how to get there, but I pronounced it something like Tee oh tee wa can and they both giggled and after I explained I wanted to see the pyramids they said that is Tay oh tee wacan is the correct pronounciation so that is an example of how I learned my Spanish and Indian names on my trip. The told me where to get the bus.
Demodocus for his gift of song.
In Phaeacia, Odysseus made this statement as a result of the fact that Demodocus sand a song about his quarrel with Achilles.
The statement "he respects one person "more than any man alive." made by Odysseus to Demodocus is more of an acknowledgement of how good the song was as well as a compliment.
"At the same time, circuits involved in stress become increasingly sensitive, leading to increased displeasure and negative moods when not taking the drug, which are signs of withdrawal. These combined effects make the user more likely to focus on seeking the drug instead of relationships, food, or other natural rewards." I got it from this wedsite just in case you need more info about it.