The answer is C: Notify the health care provides (HCP).
Fat embolism originates when fat thrombi travels through the bloodstream, causing obstruction in different vital organs of the body, such as heart, lung, brain; Depending on the symptoms presented by the patient, and the severity of their condition, this will be the immediate management of this. You may need intravenous fluids and oxygen. Being therefore a priority, inform the treating physician of the patient's condition, so that he can take the appropriate medical behavior since depending on the place where the obstruction produced by the thrombus is located, this is going to be the medical management.
Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus are both metabolic endocrine diseases caused due to hormonal imbalance.
<u>Organ and hormone involved</u><u>: </u>
Diabetes mellitus occurs due to inefficiency of the pancreas to produce sufficient amount of the hormone insulin or lack of insulin action resulting in uncontrolled blood glucose levels.
Diabetes insipidus occurs due to inefficiency of the pituitary glands to produce sufficient amount of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin or lack of vasopressin action resulting in uncontrolled water metabolism.
<u>Signs and symptoms:
Diabetes mellitus results in increasing blood glucose levels, polyuria and nocturia, polydipsia, polyphagia, fatigue and various other complications affecting eyes, kidneys, nervous system, and heart as the disease progresses.
Diabetes insipidus results in increasing water levels due kidneys excreting large amounts of diluted urine leading to polyuria, polydipsia, and excessive dehydration and fatigue.
<u>Diagnostic/lab tests and results:
Diabetes mellitus is tested by testing blood glucose levels.
Diabetes insipidus is tested by testing water deprivation or vasopressin level test/the 24-hour urine for urine osmolality levels along with serum electrolyte level tests.
These tests are based on response to vasopressin, urine concentration abilities, urine osmolality, and electrolyte levels of the blood.
Los espermatozoides dependen del líquido seminal para mantenerse vivos y en movimiento. Este líquido es producido durante la eyaculación por las glándulas accesorias: las vesículas seminales, la próstata y las glándulas bulbouretrales. Las vesículas seminales, dos estructuras en forma de saco, se asientan detrás de la vejiga y se extienden hacia la vejiga.
Color – pure water is colorless; colored water can indicate pollution.
Turbidity – pure water is clear and does not absorb light.
Taste and odor – pure water is always tasteless and odorless.