I'm not sure about the first one but,
Philip Hamilton was killed in a duel by George I. Eacker.
Hamilton did not want to die because he and Burr were dueling in the same place Philip had died, and he did not want to leave behind the rest of his family, including his wife Eliza.
There's a lot of this info in the second act of the Hamilton Musical Soundtrack, if you need more help.
Zionism is the Jewish movement that can be described as the middle ground between the very conservative movement and the other more liberal branches.
Option: German anti-Jewish policies and the memory of the Holocaust made Jews want to leave Europe.
During and after World War II, many of the Jewish population began to leave their nations in Europe because of the German Anti- Jewish policies that forced them to leave their property and wealth and forced to live in ghettos and later sent to concentration camps. The killing of the Jews started after Adolf Hitler came to power. The Nazis issued many new anti-Jewish laws which restricted Jews political and civil rights. Germans force out the Jews from their houses, business, and other professions. Holocaust was the biggest misfortune for humanity because millions of people were killed based on racism, political reason, and religion. Hitler's ideas on racial, to create German as superior by making it a master race caused millions of people to die. All the death and fear led the Jew population to leave for American and the Middle East to start a new beginning.
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in europe
Answer: B. They earned more money than their parents
Child Laborers in the United States was a very widespread practice in the 1800s and early 1900s. These children suffered all manner of abuse and were made to do work that even adults should not do sometimes.
As a result they missed out on school and worked in jobs so dangerous that they risked injury or even death. Some might have made more than their parents if their parents had no job but the money that these children made contributed to the welfare of their family so this was not a negative consequence of child labor.