Brown v. Board of Education (1954). The case ruled that segregated public schools were unconstitutional on the grounds that "separate could never be equal." The case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, a landmark and deeply racist Supreme Court decision from 1896 that had allowed segregated education.
Around that time, men were off in the war, leaving women to work the factory jobs. They had more work as more men fought.
Joe Biden - Democratic Party - Delegates won 2,739
Donald Trump - Republican party - Delegates won 2,358
Found the answers online but made it simple to understand!
The Answer is C because
The agreement that divided Persia into three zones, a large Russian zone to the north, and two smaller zones, one which neither country dominated, and a British zone to the south. Afghanistan was less of a trade partner to Russia, but there were concerns about the border, in relation to crime, refugees and diseases.