The meter was redefined by international agreement in 1983 as “the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second”
The Ark of the Covenant had the stone tablets with the commandments in it, It was used to communicate with God and it is said that he would appear over it when priests came to it. It is hard to say what happened to it since there is not much evidence to say it ever existed. Even if it did exists it most likely had no magical powers
Economies in the eastern coastal lowlands based on large plantations
Congress made an agreement that slaves could stay for a certain amount of time then once that time was up they put a law in the constitution talking abut the band on slavery
<u><em>The fur trade industry was the colony’s economic salvation</em></u>. For the first few years that the colony existed, the colonists struggled to make enough money to pay the investors back. In fact, they had to ask for more money just to keep the colony running and by the mid to late 1620s, they were deeply in debt to the investors.
<u>To help pay down the debt they still owed</u>, the colonists established a beaver fur trading base in Kennebec, Maine by 1625.
<u>This fur trading business was very successful for the colonists and quickly became an essential part of their economy</u>. Their success in this trade continued well into the 1630s and 1640s..