The total solar influx depends on the distance from the sun, angle of the planet's axis, and solar activity. Albedo - or reflections of solar rays from the Earth and back into space. Chemical composition of the atmosphere.
I believe your question is supposed to be crimes that security camera and not determine correct? if so in my opinion security cameras would not be able to prove a crime such as theft by deception which is using your words and deceiving someone into thinking their money is going to go somewhere else when really you're putting in your pocket. another example of a crime that security cameras couldn't determine would be slander which is knowing leave making up lies and spreading rumors about somebody that negatively impacts their reputation. basically any crime that you don't have to physically do something but rather you're using your words.
. Areas near the equator get more direct sunlight so the temperatures are higher.
At equator, the sun is always over head and hits the surface directly. The surface is no at an angle to the sun.
The insolation here is very great and they received more direct sunlight.
- Due to the high insolation, the temperature is higher than most part of the earth.
- Rainfall levels are also high as rain cloud easily forms here.
- In most equatorial region, both temperature and rainfall is high all year round.