The article is a argumentative tone/mood. Evidence of this is when the author wrote "NASA’s space program is worth preserving at any cost."That shows how they personally believe that it is worth preserving and that they’re trying to prove their opinion is valid. Also when the author says"It is impossible to list all the benefits of a thriving space program." The author has a strong opinion that they believe which makes it argumentative.
D. Alliteration and Assonance
Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter sound at the beginning of a group of words. In this case the /tw/ sound repeats at the beginning of both twinklings and twinges. Assonance is the repetition of a vowel sound within a group of words. In this case the /in/ sound is repeated in both tw/in/klings and tw/in/ges.
Hyperbole is an over-exaggeration. There is no over-exaggeration in this phrase. Enjambment is when a sentence spills over into other lines or stanzas in a poem. This is not the case with this phrase either.
26 January 2017 hello everyone to kaise hai aap log
Thoreau feels as if he is in harmony with the aspects of his environment.
When Emily's father passed away, she wouldn't admit he was dead. It took three days for her to allow people to remove his body from their home. ... Thus, the death of her father and the revelation of her poverty marked the point at which the townspeople began to feel sorry for Miss Emily.