It is a metaphor representing not just the 'mask' of the plague, but also the 'masquerade' of the ball and the 'masquerade' of pretending to escape death.
Grendel is a 1971 novel by American author John Gardner. It is a retelling of part of the Old English poem Beowulf from the perspective of the antagonist, Grendel.
Atlanta was a beautiful Greek woman, she could run faster than any other human. She didn't want to marry, so she creates a challenge. The only way a man could marry her was if he bet her in a race. Hippomenes or Melanion asked help to Aphrodite, she gave him three magical golden apples. He throws the apple into her path, Atlanta slows down to pick up the apple and Melanion won the race.
The belligerent girl talked back to a teacher, because talking back is agrees ive and disrespectful.
The most newsworthy stories are usually those that affect a large number of people. Events that impact a lot of people are considered more significant than those only affecting one or two, and this makes them more newsworthy in the eyes of journalists. It’s the age of “fake news” and gone are the days of waiting for the morning news for breaking stories or reading gossip magazines for the latest celebrity dirt. We now have all the information we need at the touch of an app and most people now get their news information online, specifically from social media. The dawn of the Internet made disseminating news faster, with users able to access information within seconds. So, although social media is often the fastest way to obtain information, it can be fragmented. Because of this, traditional journalism still has its place, and many look to trusted sources for the facts.