Strong employment numbers. To see economic growth there needs to be an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). ...
Stable Inflation. ...
Interest rates are rising. ...
Wage Growth. ...
High Retail Sales. ...
Higher New Home Sales. ...
Higher Industrial Production.
special purpose application software
it is a type of software created to execute one specific task.for example a camera application on your phone wul only allow you to take and share pictures.
Other example of special purpose application are web browsers,calculators,media playors,calendar programs e.t.c.
Explanation:unique difference/benefits
- "a great-tasting way to stay hydrated during exercise" this is the benefit statement
2. product/service category or concept is
- the drink
3. target market
- "serious athletes" is the target market
4. offering name or brand is
- SportsAde
We can help eachother out with things.
Eg. Schoolwork and homework because our stress level will decrease.
You could add pictures to help convey the viewer, while capturing their attention. It will provide great interest as well.
Me being a viewer, I love to see pictures. They help explain the topic, while keeping my attention.