twelve month calendar is an
advancement in the technology of
Ancient Egypt.
Answer:11.Analyzing Primary Sources What reasons are given for the issuing of this edict? The reasons for issuing the Edict of Milan was that so people are treated equally, and that since people are allowed to believe in their own religion, they believed that Christians should be allowed to believe in their own religion.12.Drawing Conclusions Why do you think property was restored to the Christians and to their churches?Property was restored to the Christians and their churches because they previously own that land, but was persecuted and forced out of that area, taking away any property that belong to them.13.Identifying Perspectives, The Edict of Milan only guarantees tolerance of Christianity, not recognition by the state. Why did Constantine and Licinius take this position?The reason why Constantine and Licinius took the position to tolerate Christians is because it was unfair for people who believe in Christianity to be treated differently from their religion when they allow people to practicetheir own.14.ComparingHow does the edict’s position on religion compare with a political ideal or contemporary event?The edict’s position on religion compares with a political ideal because many politicians speak about freedom of religion and worship and allows people to pursue their own.
Explanation:because i said
Answer: 1.Acting under the instruction of the Virginia Convention, Richard Henry Lee on June 7, 1776, introduced a resolution in the Second Continental Congress proposing independence for the colonies. 2. Thomas Jefferson, On June 11, 1776, anticipating that the vote for independence would be favorable, Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration: Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, Robert R. Livingston of New York, and John Adams of Massachusetts. 3. Jefferson, Why They Asked Jefferson To Write The First Draft Of The Declaration of Independence. Congress appointed a Committee of Five on June 11, 1776, to explain why the American colonies decided to become independent states and wanted separation from the British Empire. 4. Most scholars today believe that Jefferson derived the most famous ideas in the Declaration of Independence from the writings of English philosopher John Locke. 5. In political theory, or political philosophy, John Locke refuted the theory of the divine right of kings and argued that all persons are endowed with natural rights to life, liberty, and property and that rulers who fail to protect those rights may be removed by the people, by force if necessary.