5,10; 6,12; 7,14
We will demonstrate the iteration of the loop:
First iteration: Number = 7, Count = 5 at the beginning. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is correct, prints 5,10. Increment the Count by 1.
Second iteration: Number = 7, Count = 6. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is correct, prints 6,12. Increment the Count by 1.
Third iteration: Number = 7, Count = 7. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is correct, prints 7,14. Increment the Count by 1.
Forth iteration: Number = 7, Count = 8. We will check if Count <= Number? Since it is not correct, the loop stops.
def isAnagram(s1, s2):
sortedlist1 = sorted(list1)
sortedlist2 = sorted(list2)
if sortedlist1 == sortedlist2:
print(list1+ " and "+list2+ " are anagram")
print(list1+ " and "+list2+ " are not anagram")
Here is a call to the function isAnagram():
list1 =input("Enter String1 ")
list1 =input("Enter String2 ")
Attached is the run and output for this program
Broadcast message
The network models like OSI and TCP/IP suites have standard layers and protocols that governs the communication of end devices in a network.
The TCP/IP suite model has four layers which are application, transport, internet and network access layers. The network access does the work of both the data-link and physical layer of the OSI model.
When the packet is encapsulated in a data-link header and trailer, and needs to be sent to another unknown host, a broadcast message is sent to all the computers in the network to retrieve the remote host address for a unicast transmission to take place.
If u mean the indent when you’re writing an essay, then it is an indent to show how u separate the paragraphs. Hope this helps.