they are all correct except:
number 5 is miro (mirar = to watch)
number 4 on the first row is escuchaste (escuchar = to listen)
number 5's conjugation is third person she/he (usted, el, ella) being -o (with an accent mark)
number 4 (top)'s conjugation is you (tu) being -aste
you're welcome!!
this is Spanish section not math
1) tame: it involved great techniques and calmness. One player must tame a wild horse without frightening it.
2) Payada :players will show their traditional poetry. the player is called the Gaucho and he is accompanied with a guiter, together they are called payador. Payador needs to give graceful accompanied with guitars.
mantiene a la gente en contacto
sabemos que pasa al rededor del mundo
nos enseñan nuevas cosas a diario
B) Esta nunlado - it is cloudy