Eoarchean Era - 400 million years - 8,7% of Earth's history.
Paleoarchean Era - 400 million years - 8,7% of Earth's history.
Mesoarchean Era - 400 million years - 8,7% of Earth's history.
Neoarchean Era - 300 million years - 6,5% of Earth's history.
Paleoproterozoic Era - 900 million years - 19,6% of Earth's history.
Mesoproterozoic Era - 600 million years - 13,0% of Earth's history.
Neoproterozoic Era - 459 million years - 10,0% of Earth's history.
Paleozoic Era - 290 million years - 6,3% of Earth's history.
Mesozoic Era - 185 million years - 4,0% of Earth's history.
Cenozoic Era - 66 million years - 1,4% of Earth history.