You could get a laptop for like 200 that could run well and enough space for stuff.
Convergent network
In networking, computers devices are connected together to communicate and share resources. Devices like routers and switches are examples of intermediate network devices and computers, smartphones, tablets and IP phones are all examples of end devices in a network.
In the past, dedicated networks are installed for separate voice, text and video packets. But as information technology evolves, one network is used for all three packets. This network is called convergent network.
Instance variables can be declared anywhere inside a class.
Although there isn't any rule to declare instance variables before methods, and they can be declared anywhere in the class, they cannot be declared inside method definitions of class.
<em>By convention class names begin with an uppercase letter, and method and variable names begin with a lowercase letter.</em> - True.
<em>Instance variables exist before methods are called on an object, while the methods are executing and after the methods complete execution.</em> - True.
<em>A class normally contains one or more methods that manipulate the instance variables that belong to particular objects of the class.</em> - True
- to ensure that privacy will not be lost.
-ensuring personal information is not lost
-information in the accountings will not be submitted or shared with anyone
-information will be saved and viewed by the business.
- The business will not falsely make the accountings.