"Main" goes in the blank. For example in C++ all of your code goes in the main function.
The "a" tag or <a></a> and its "h<u>r</u>ef" attribute <a href="#"></a>
In html there is only one way to create a link to an external source or a bookmark. The tag is created using the element <a>.
The attribute "href" is then added to describe the link of where it is to point to.
<a href="google.com">Go to Google</a>
While the text in between the tag describes what the link is about.
public static void printDottedLine()
The above written code is in JAVA and it is the method definition of the method mentioned in the question.Since the method returns nothing hence it's return type is void and it does not have any arguments hence there is nothing written in the parenthesis.In JAVA System.out.println is used for standard output and trminates them by newline.