The Constitution says federal laws are "the supreme law of the land," so the federal government could just take complete control. Nothing in the Constitution says the federal government has power to limit peoples' freedoms in the first place. ... People won't know their leaders and will lose control over the government
number one give them food to shelter 3 clothes 4 a ride
5 technoligy 6 furniture
An oligarchy is a system of government where a small number of individuals government a political entity. These individuals can be elected, but normally they are unelected officials who have been given the rights to lead through authoritarian methods.
Democracies are a system of government whereby systems are put into place to allow individuals to vote for representatives or to vote directly on issues related to their political governance.
Republics are democracies in that they involve elections and representation, however, republics institute certain protections for individual rights and liberties usually in a constitution or founding document to prevent the majority from controlling political decisions.
That would be the Ottoman Empire, after its fall, Czechoslovakia was formed, ad parts of the empire were given France and Italy, while others to the Greeks.
To exercise freedom of their Christian faith.
England was one of the major Europeans that seek to colonize the New World otherwise known as America. Others include Spain, France, and the Netherlands.
However, originally the purpose of each of the European settlers was different. England or English people on one hand was initially seeking "to exercise freedom of their Christian faith."
This led to two groups coming from England known as Puritans and Pilgrims that settle down in North America.