A civilian has rights. He must be told these rights, be given a lawyer, cannot be taken into custody without probable cause, when he is arrainged he can probably post bail, and supposedly he is innocent until proven guilty.
A soldier is guilty until proven innocent. If a major or above testifies that he saw the soldier do something wrong, that soldier is considered guilty right then and there. If he says the officer is lying, he gets hit with the charge of disrespecting an officer. When arrested, he has no right to silence, or to an attorney not provided by the military.
One thing was that Seas were sometimes difficult to navigate which limited communication - D. this was already a factor which limited the possibility of one united Greece emergin because it made it very difficult to talk to these isolated islands that couldbe found through the difficult-to-navigate seas.
Another thing was that C - some city-states were located on isolated islands.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Decidió fundar en 1912 el Partido Obrero Socialista (POS). Dicha organización surgió en el norte salitrero y se expandió por las principales ciudades del país.
Estamos hablando de Luis Emilio Recabarren. Él fue el fundador del Partido Obrero Socialista (POS) en 1912.
Con el respaldo de los llamados obreros salitreros que buscaban una mejor alternativa que la propuesta del Partido Demócrata, Luis Emilio Recabarren decide fundar este importante partido de izquierda en 1912,
Como un partido de izquierda sólido, la clase trabajadora y obrera de Chile pronto se identificó con la plataforma de este partido que buscaba dignificar la presencia del trabajador chileno en el país, y exigía un trato acorde e igualitario para la clase trabajadora.
A) Bias
prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
Big Stick policy, in American history, policy popularized and named by Theodore Roosevelt that asserted U.S. domination when such dominance was considered the moral imperative.
Roosevelt used this phrase to explain his relations with domestic political leaders and his approach to such issues as the regulation of monopolies and the demands of trade unions.