Assuming that you are referring to the territories of today's Mexico, formerly know as <em>New Spain</em>, here is the paragraph:
As Hernan Cortes campaigned throughout the first continental lands of America, the idea that many Spaniards, probably even himself, harbored was that of founding Spain all over again in the newly found and conquered lands. A mix of nostalgia and pride for the Motherland, Spain, must have prompted the <em>Conquistadors</em> to name the cities and provinces they founded after cities and provinces already existing in Spain. One reason for using already familiar names had to do with the difficulty of pronouncing the original names of the places given by the native people, the other one had to do with a sense of control, since most people hold the belief that naming things bestows them with a degree of control over them. And yet another reason may have been the comfort of living in places named after their old home towns and provinces the Spaniards had come from.
The correct answer is B, as the quote supports the States' rights to govern themselves.
Since the war against Great Britain was still going on, the settlers did not want to establish another powerful national government. With the zeal to protect its new independence, the Continental Congress created a weak unicameral structure that protected the freedom of the member states. Although Congress regulated monetary and military matters, the Articles had not designed any mechanism to make sure that each State complied with the troops and the money that was needed.
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002, "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11 attacks", including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks.
Answer: this war was started because the French and brits couldn’t decide who owned Ohio so a border dispute over the Ohio river valley and some British attacked some French causing relations to sour even more