The most important cost of WW1 were human lives, as millions of people died during the war and later from many diseases.
WW1 was the most brutal war until then, which devastated European continent.
Although, material costs were enormous, human casualties were even greater.
Only nine millions who died in the war, millions who were wounded and deeply hurt, many families, even many countries devastated.
1939: Hitler invades Poland. Hitler's invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939 marked the beginning of WW2 in Europe.
1940 (1): Rationing. ...
1940 (2): Blitzkrieg. ...
1940 (3): Churchill Becomes Prime Minister. ...
1940 (4): Evacuation of Dunkirk. ...
1940 (5): Battle of Britain. ...
1941 (1): Operation Barbarossa. ...
1941 (2): The Blitz.
The last battle associated with War of 1812 was fought in New Orleans, although the final outcome of the War was practically a "draw" between the British and American forces.
Russia was called The Soviet Union in the past when they were communists
The right answer is:
The U.S. government sponsored new science and engineering programs in