Georgia speed laws:
35 miles per hour on an unpaved county road; 70 miles per hour on a rural interstate; 65 miles per hour on an urban interstate or on a multi-lane divided highway; 55 miles per hour in all other areas. (2019 info)
Do you mean adobe or abode? because abobe isn't a word.
It means all the ideas and culture of the world
Answer: B. Regulate the interaction
Explanation: Jerry's behavior or actions while his friend was speaking depicts a combination of non-verbal communication methods or behavior which can be used to regulate an interaction. Actions such as leg crossing, slouching - which involves sitting in a lazy or uninterested or weary manner and yawning which depicts tiredness or sign of sleepy feeling are ways of informing the speaker to round up or shows signs of being uninterested or tired of the conversation.
ANSWER: "I feel glad I came," she said, taking off her shoes.