Unrelenting and relentless
First let's define persistence. Then let's find the words that mean similar things to it.
Persistence - a quality that is someone continuing and trying to do something even though it is difficult or discouraged by others; not giving up
Basically, in simple terms, persistence means not giving up.
Unrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving up
nrelenting - not yielding in determination or strength; not giving upUnrelenting is a synonym to persistence.
relent - to stop or become less severe; to give up
Relentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving up
elentless - showing no stopping of intensity or pace; not giving upRelentless is a synonym to persistence.
Yielding - giving way or stopping under pressure; to give up
Have a lovely rest of your day! :)
The old time is beautiful which is now vanished.
This quote means that there was a beautiful time when there is no advance technology of communication. People send messages through letters and there is a post office in each village and city. We wait for the reply of the letter curiously but that beautiful time is replaced by technology which do our too fast but the love and curiosity present in old times are lost due to these technology. Due to daily interaction of people with each other through advance technology, the love and happiness of meeting friends and relatives after a long time also vanished.
I am a native English speaker