22,647 inches to m iles will give you 0.35743371 of a mile (this is a repeated decimal since it goes on forever with different numbers.) Using a calculator, 22646.9998656 inches would give 0.35743371 miles (round the inches to the whole number and you will still get the same answer.) Into hundredths, you get 0.36, but changing to tenths would give 0.4.
Hope this helped!
3562 is greater than 979, 3562>979 Because 3562 is bigger than 979. (Did this help?)
2. always
If you are meaning Nine times Nine the answer is 81.
C. 500 ft
Step-by-step explanation:
If we want to make it all equal, we can divide the 2,000 ft by 4 because we have 4 equal descents.
2000 ÷ 4 = 500
He should travel <u>500 feet</u> in each descent.