The distance covered is 19mps
It's C. In fact it's <em>more </em>popular in the Spanish speaking world than in the United States. Hope this helps!
16. eres
17. es
18. son
19. es
20. son
This are different ways to say "are " in spanish hope it help.
I will answer this by translating it.
I : Yo - Ar= o Er= o Ir= o
You : Tú. - = as = es = es
He/she/it : Él/Ella - = a = e = e
We : Nosotros - = amos = emos = imos
You(pl) : Vosotros - = áis = éis = Ís
They : Ellos - = an = en = en
Clark Kent (Estuvo) de vacaciones en Santiago, Chile.