Question: You work for a large international company, and a co-worker tells you that he has no plans to return to his job after
he takes his annual two-week vacation. You know that your department cannot meet its deadlines shorthanded and that your company will need at least two to three weeks to recruit and hire a qualified re-placement. You also know that it is your company's policy not to give paid vacations to employees who do not agree to work for at least three months following their return. What should you do? What points would you make in a confidential email to your boss? What points would you raise to your co-worker? Note: This question has two parts, the first one is the conversation you are having with your colleague, what is your response to what he just told you? What points would you raise? Write at least three points that you would tell him about his decision. The second is to write a short email to your boss covering all the points you want to get across.
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The evaluation essay is correct answer