Nepotism is a form of favoritism which is granted to relatives in various fields,including business,politics,entertainment,sports,religion and other activities. The term originated with the assignment of nephew to important positions by catholic popes and bishops
Animals can not be kept in enclosures if they are to be kept in separate places.
Answer: Option 3.
Zoo is a place where the animals are kept for the public to have a look at them, observe their behavior and learn about them. There are a number of zoos in the world where there are variety of species that the people who visit the zoo, get to see.
If the Brewster zoo has decided that it will not keep the animals in the common places and it has to place the animals in separate places, then it can not keep the animals in the enclosures. Because this is again a way in which the animals are kept together wit each other. In this, all the animals are housed together for the people to see.
It was a wonderful experience talking to him