At the time the shogun was the leader of the samurai and the emperor basically did nothing but sit in his fancy chair while the shogun was almost the leader of Japan because basically im monky
Here’s a list to some of the main causes
1. Poverty: the state of being poor. The most hungry people in the world are the ones that live in extreme poverty. Those mostly are smallholder farmers in developing countries.
2. Job instability: when someone lacks a job or is paid to little to live comfortably they may be facing hunger. They may not have enough money to eat so they only pay for what they have to instead of food for themselves. For example, a single parent paying rent and food for their kid but doesn’t have enough for themselves.
3. Lack of access to safe water: Without access to safe water, crops can’t grow properly, and people can’t survive or stay healthy.
4. Food shortages or scarce availability of food: Food from the previous harvest runs out and families cut back on meals. The more they run out the less they eat.
The president can do that only him
What are the three principles of the people?
The three principles of the people are :nationalism, democracy, and the livelihood of the people.
This ideology was developed by Sun Yat-sen to create prosperous nation.
Are these realistic in China?
No. China has a massive authoritarian power structure, in which the government owned almost all the resources in the country. The people do not obtain the right to free election, which do not fulfill the 'Democracy' Criteria from the three principles.
How about in today's world?
Absolutely. Those three principles are generally popular among the citizens, it should not be difficult to achieve.
Probably the biggest challenge for any other country in the world would be fulfilling livelihood of the people.
But it can be solved by having emphatic understanding toward the hardship that felt by our fellow citizens.