Sitting before the blank diary page, Winston is about to commit a crime.
It is not surprising that at this moment, his sore begins to itch unbearably. It is a reminder of his guilty conscience and of the crime he is about to commit. It is his internalization of Big Brother, reminding him that any thought not in support of Big Brother is a crime.
I just took this test minutes ago.
The correct answer is:
The article states that the leaders of Nixon’s own party pressured him to resign.
I believe that the answer to the question asked above is that the expression means you have to carry something before achieving something or going somewhere.
Hope my answer would be a great help for you. If you have more questions feel free to ask here at Brainly.
Keats’s “Ode to Autumn” can be seen as an extended metaphor for the cycle of life. In this cycle, autumn can be considered one stage of life—the stage of maturation and growth. Keats seems to be celebrating the point in the life cycle when the buds that formed in spring have attained a state of ripeness. He uses images such as ripened fruits ("mellow fruitfulness"), flowers in bloom (“later flowers”), and matured creatures (“full-grown lambs”) to further develop and emphasize this theme of growth and maturation.
Keats’s “Ode to Autumn” can be seen as an extended metaphor for the cycle of life. In this cycle, autumn can be considered one stage of life—the stage of maturation and growth. Keats seems to be celebrating the point in the life cycle when the buds that formed in spring have attained a state of ripeness. He uses images such as ripened fruits ("mellow fruitfulness"), flowers in bloom (“later flowers”), and matured creatures (“full-grown lambs”) to further develop and emphasize this theme of growth and maturation.
The Answer is A.
Both parties knew that at some point war would be unavoidable.