<u>deciding how many cans of vegetables to store at a warehouse.</u></h2><h2 />
<h3>The quaternary economic activities do not involve physical involvement into the production, trade, or storage of the products, but instead, this type of economic activity is performed strictly by using ones brain, thus making decisions and plans that are going to be performed by the workers in the primary and secondary (occasionally in the tertiary) economic layers.</h3>
The Hadean eon represents the time interval between 4.6 billion to 4 billion years back. It is marked by the initial formation of the earth , right from the time of gathering and accumulation of interstellar dust particles and gases, and there was frequent collision between the planetesimals of relatively larger in size. The core and the crust formed and started to become stable and also gradually led to the formation and expansion of the ocean and the earth's atmosphere.
This is how the earth gradually started to form and develop and took the shape during the time interval between 4.6 billion to 4.2 billion years old, and where the oldest rocks found on earth is dated from about 4.2 billion years in the past.
<em>The Stereographic projection is a type of map projection which would be used to locate the other side of the lake which cannot be seen.</em>
So basically <em>Stereographic projection is defined as a particular kind of mapping</em> in which it projects the entire sphere into a fine plane map.
Every projection in the map is defined on every part of the sphere but except one point which is called as the projection point.
<em>These maps are considered as smooth and bijective.</em>