That's a Treble Clef
A way to identify the treble clef is looking for an ornamental letter G, and its inner curve that surrounds the note G4 that falls above middle C
The correct answer is letter C. The Apse. Apse is the more or less the central plan of the church and it is where the altar is located. It is a semicircular space containing the high altar.
To show the sofa syllable what needs to be used?
Pitch names are letter names derived from the first seven letters of the English Alphabet. The so-fa names are so-fa syllable written as do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, Do. These so-fa names are arranged in ascending or descending order.
I hope this helps
The correct answer is
C. Artists competed for the opportunity to build The Gates of Paradise. The one who won and was chosen to do this was Lorenzo Ghiberti. The Gates of Paradise refers to the golden doors on the Baptistery of San Giovanni in Florence, where each panel on the door depicts a scene from the Old Testament.