Soils are the key ingredient for the plants and crops to grow. A large amount of soil is eroded every year due to the practice of farming. This is about 25 billion tons of soils.
Due to the various type of agricultural practices, the topsoil comprising the valuable minerals are continuously eroded by factors such as wind and water. This results in the increasing loss of soil fertility, and also it can lead to the occurrence of droughts, sandstorms, and dust bowls.
Dust bowls are the region where there occurs no rainfall and absence of vegetation, and soils are eroded drastically making a sandy dust environment, and affecting the ecosystem.
In order to prevent these effects, certain steps must be taken, and they are as follows-
- Planting more trees and crops so that the wind cannot cause much impact on the area.
- The waste vegetative particles and matters must be allowed to distribute evenly over the surface of these areas, so that wind cannot easily transport these sediments.
- Mulching of the soil must be done.
- By constructing the retaining walls.
United States Congress
Federal laws are made by Congress on all kinds of matters, such as speed limits on highways. These laws make sure that all people are kept safe. The United States Congress is the lawmaking body of the Federal Government. Congress has two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.
3. uknown
4. The elements that determine the weather of a place are humidity, rainfall, wind speed and temperature of that place.
5.Animal 1 : Penguins :They are found in the polar regions and they have similar adaptations as the polar bear... But have one different..
When they feel cold they huddle themselves to prevent them from the cold .
Animal2: Seal: Seals have thick deposition of fat which is called the blubber that protects them from the cold.
Animal3: Reptiles: They keep them warm by absorbing the solar radiation during the day and at night the seek shelter to keep them warm.
HOWEVER.... hardly any reptiles are found in these regions...
Adaptation of the animals lived in Polar Regions: They have thick layers of fur which keeps them warm in cold weather.They have a layer of fat under their skin that insulates their body from cold and keeps them warm.They have a long curved and sharp claw this helps them to walk on the ice.Ex: Polar bear
Ex: Polar bear
I’m pretty sure it’s the Jewish diaspora. I’m not 100% sure so please tell me if I’m wrong.