<span>The following are guaranteed by the First Amendment:</span><span>
- freedom of the press
- freedom of speech
- freedom of religion
- the right of the people to peaceably assemble
- the right to a speedy trial
- no taxation without representation
- the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances
</span>Please remember that it helps to provide the choices that match your question. This can help you get an accurate answer and have your question answered much quicker.
After world war two our knowledge of what we could do with science changed because we then knew formulas and ways to make nuclear weapons
D. Fear of communism spreading to many Asian countries
Answer: Please refer to:
primary sources:
- Congressional Record, Daily Digest of Senate
Committee Meetings
- the ship’s logbook of explorer Vasco da Gama,
- the autobiography My Early Life by Winston
- The Letters of John and Abigail Adams, Penguin
Classics, 2003
secondary sources:
-The American Senate: An Insider’s History by
Neil McNeil and Richard A. Baker
- the PBS documentary John and Abigail
-Churchill The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill by
William Manchester and Paul Reid
-an article about the age of exploration in
Smithsonian magazine
Not sure but hope it helps.
<em>The Stamp Act</em>
The Stamp Act was passed in 1765 and was a tax that Great Britain put on the colonists. Paper products such as newspapers and legal documents now had this tax on them, which sometimes contained a seal or a stamp which proved the purchaser paid the tax on the product.
The colonists were not happy with the Stamp Act and they felt as if it was unfair that they were being taxed. They had nobody to vouch for them in the British Parliament, which is called "taxation without representation." They started to get angry and boycott the products that contained the tax, even sometimes becoming violent and harming British merchants.
On the other hand, Great Britain deemed its taxing to be fair. The French and Indian War was expensive and since it was fought on American soil, they believed the colonists should pitch in. They also said the tax was unfair because they were using their own soldiers to protect the colonists.
The colonists still did not agree with this. They were very strongly against the Stamp Act and even being taxed in general. This would eventually start to hurt British merchants and businesses, which made Great Britain realize this tax was doing more harm than good. They then repealed the Stamp Act in 1766.