1. Answer the following using complete sentences. a. Give an example of a situation or problem that would be difficult to test w
ithout a model and describe the model you would use. b. Describe a situation from the news or recent history where scientists were called upon to provide explanations of events and offer possible solutions to problems. c. Choose an industry or business. Decide what areas of scientific study they should support and state why you think so. d. Describe one way in which the quality of human life is based on the quality of a natural ecosystem. e. Give an example of a technology or problem that has recently become widespread. Discuss the impact of this technology or problem and contrast that to the way you think others may view the technology or problem.
These principles are at work in the fundamental elements of the scientific method, ... that could possibly explain your results; and things you thought of that you've ... If you make a theory, for example, and advertise it, or put it out, then you must also put ... One author of a historical study of research groups in the chemical
Chloroplasts are found in plant cells its function is the process by which energy from the Sun is converted into chemical energy for growth. Also called photosynthesis.