by the words that are used if it is a simple sentence that will have a noun a verb and an adjectives if it is complex compound or compound-complex it will have more than a verb noun and adjectives will have more like a proper noun and stuff like that
Lillian was rather rude
She was honestly rather shrewd
She was told to back off
But couldn't be soft
She just wasn't in the mood
How's that?
Declaration or a statement of facts and beliefs
1. I have my car fixed.
- This is not the correct way to write this. It would make sense if it was "I am going to have my car fixed." However, the word "have" is present tense. That means you are currently having your car being fixed.
2. I had my car fixed.
- This is the correct way to write this. The word "had" is past tense. That means you already fixed your car.
Remember that "have" is a helping verb, and "had" is the past participle. "Have" is a present form while "had" is the past form.