1. Camarero: El pollo y el pan?
Luisa: Aqui!
2. Camarero: La pizza?
Otto: Aqui!
3. Camarero: la sopa?
Abuela: Aqui!
4. Camarero: El pescado?
Mama: Aqui!
5. Camarero: El bistec y la patata?
Papa: Aqui!
6. Camarero: El pastel?
Milo: Aqui!
All that's bolded out is the answer. You just had to match the description. Like, you had to match the drawing and the words, it's like a little puzzle.
Spanish False Cognate Actual English Definition alternitivecontestar to answer contender = to contestconveniente suitable práctico = convenientla copa glass, goblet; trophy la taza = cup
Nostras Quito dónde tu casa
Were you asking what this means in English??
I used google translate and this is what it translated to: <span>What are science-based knowledge</span>
1: Imperfect/ Preterite
2. Preterite/ preterite
3. all preterite
I hope this is ok, it makes sense to me, good luck !