Dear Mr. Malik
I write this letter to talk to you about your nephew Jhonny and to emphasize the importance of having you as a support for his academic life.
As you may already know, Jhonny is a spectacular teenager who shows a strong talent for English and literature classes, although he has difficulties in other subjects, which is normal for most young people. We all believe that Jhonny has a bright future ahead of him, but unfortunately he has no resources of his own to move forward with his dreams, needing a lot of your support.
You more than I know that Jhonny cannot count on his parents to support his studies, since you are the closest and most important relative in this regard. Adult support is highly important for academic development and a promising future professional life.
I am sure that Jhonny is very grateful for everything you do for him and is very sad and shaken by the possibility of losing his support, but he has difficulties in telling you, which motivates me to write this letter.
I appreciate your understanding and hope that I have managed to change your opinion.
Kind regards,
Agatha Melly.
Buddhism was a refined type of Philosophy, bound to those who worshiped the buddha. This philosophy was self-centered and allow several mentoring principles to be installed. Buddhism was a great representation of Philosophy, but also a bad one.
The answer to Part A would be Ignorant, as the author goes on to state that his youthful understanding had struggled in vain. If someone is ignorant of something, yet they do not take the time to actually go research or learn about that thing, then they would be struggling in vain because they are selfish and not taking time to research what it is that the other person is saying that they do not understand.
For the answer to Part B, I would say that (Frederick) Douglass' new awareness of how owners maintain control over slaves allows him to better understand how to improve his situation. I say this because he seems to have an awakening/epiphany in the very last line: "I now understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty".
I hope this helps!
The appropriate responses are options 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Between World Wars I and II, American modernist literature predominated in the country's literary landscape. The modernist era focused on innovation in poetry and prose's structure and language, as well as writing on current issues including racial inequality, gender, and the human condition.
Many American modernist authors who were influenced by the First World Combat investigated the psychological wounds and spiritual scars of the war experience. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, which was published in the early 1930s, is one example of how the American economic crisis affected literature. As employees became invisible in the backdrop of city life, unnoticed cogs in a machine that ached for self-definition, a linked concern is the loss of self and the yearning for self-definition. The mid-nineteenth-century emphasis on "creating a self"—a concept exemplified by Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby—was mirrored by American modernists. As seen by The Emperor Jones by Eugene O'Neill, The Battler by Ernest Hemingway, and That Evening Sun by William Faulkner, madness and its manifestations appear to be another popular modernist topic.
But despite all these drawbacks, real people and the fictitious characters of American modernist literature both sought new beginnings and had new hopes and goals.