The three most important foreign policy issues facing the United are
Security,Prosperity ,Creation of a better world
<h3>United State Foreign Policy</h3>
The United state is facing challenges today with it foreign policy today because the foreign soils are not stable hence policies can change at any time, another reason is that these policies can be expensive to enact.
Learn more about United State Foreign Policy here:
To promote assimilation, American Indian children were given free education and were inducted into federally funded boarding schools across the country.
Policy makers at the time hoped that the early immersion of native born children would help them become "proper" and productive citizens. One of the first boarding schools was the Carlisle Indian School, established in 1879 on Pennsylvania
The founder, Henry Pratt, believed that education was key in order to "kill the Indian and save the man." The theory of the boarding school became known as "assimilation through education."
During the American Revolution, the majority of American Indian Nations allied themselves with the British in order to preserve their culture and stop encroachment upon their lands. However, some supported the Patriots and their cause because of personal ties, shared religious beliefs, or mistreatment by the British in the past.
Juggernaut means an irresistible force or power
Terms from the 20th Century</h3>
The 20th Century is known to have recorded the dealiest wars that saw terrible deaths of civilians snd soldiers. Some notable ones includes:
- World War II
- Russian Civil War
Some notable terms from the wars includes:
Advent -The introduction or beginning of something new
Fundamental -the most important; e.g., a set of beliefs
Internment- the act of detaining or confining people during a time of war
Juggernaut -an irresistible force or power
Genocide- the attempted extermination of a culture, race, or religion
Attrition-The gradual wearing away of morale and the power to resist by persistent attacks
Learn more on Matching terms
Article 2 of the Agreement clarifies that the Agreement is set in the "Sustainable Development Context" and that "actions should be taken in a manner that is not in the" Sustainable Development Context "."