Option B
The United States' first national constituion was the Articles of confederation. because this proved problematic and inefficient for the nation as a whole because it gave all the power to the states and none of them were on the same page, the Continential Congress came up with the Constitution, which eventually after adding the bill of rights as a compromise to the anti federalists, was accepted by enough of the states that it took effect and became the new 'law of the land'
Please mark as brainliest :)
1865, Jan.
United States House of Representatives passed the joint resolution proposing a thirteenth constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, which the Senate had passed in April 1864.
What is the Declaration of Independence accusing King George III of doing? The full statement is: "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
mom is the person who is god for everyone son and daughter. she is my best friend as well as god to whom I love so much.