Viajar en tren es caro. Vaijar en carro es mas caro que viajar en bus. Vaijar en avion es caro.
Viajar en tren es muy comodo. Vaijar en carro es mas comodo que vaijar en avion.
menos/que/más/que/como mucho/como
This is what you got (translated)
- Mexico is geographically located at the ____ of the United States.
- Nowadays there are ____ of people of mexican ancestry in the United States.
- The spoken tongues in Mexico are spanish, ___ and other indigenous languages.
- Frida Kahlo, wife of the artist____, is known for her selfportraits.
- The___ empire ruled Mexico during the XIV and the XVI centuries.
- The Día de los muertos is celebrated in the____.
Being in english we see is very easy:
- south------------------------sur
- a greater number------- un mayor número
- nahuatl----------------------nahuatl
- Diego Rivera------------- Diego Rivera
- first---------------------------primer
- cemeteries----------------cementerios
Hope this helps!