Paraphrasing is the act of rewording, revising, simplifying and expressing the text in your own words with additional clarity. Note that condensing the text to a shorter form should not be in your interests because that would be summarizing, not paraphrasing. Check this out:
Come capture
California's cityscape and let us cater to your cravings!
California beautiful
countryside comprises of the famed and celebrated Oregon Trail. Just bring a
few resources, a wagon, plenty of water and you could strike it rich!
"Rich? What do you mean by rich?" Well, California is a complete
goldmine! We offer affordable land in abundance which complements our cluster
of gold! We even have friendly encounters with Native Americans every once and
while! Our Chinese migrants are constructing a railroad and sculpting
California into charming residence for you! Come join us and let's make
California the cultivating and captivating home it could be!
Hope this is catchy enough. c;
Robots may be able to help doctors take care of people because of so many reasons.
your reasons can be,
Doctors will be less busy
They can keep people company
They can bring doctor tools
Both of the places have the right climate to grow these grasses
Answer:The Teapot Dome scandal was a bribery scandal involving the administration of United States President Warren G. Harding from 1921 to 1923. ... Convicted of accepting bribes from the oil companies, Fall became the first presidential cabinet member to go to prison; no one was convicted of paying the bribes.
foreign( B).................
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