smooth, that beardless island of my sinister mark.
2. "I reserve my animosity for myself
face ... also for the face of others
ugly, ... The truth is that they are something like that
like mirrors. "
Dinner in the United States and Spanish-speaking countries is similar in <u>schedule</u>, but differs in the type of <u>food</u> that is usually eaten.
In the United States, dinner is usually eaten at <u>seven</u> in the evening, and this includes some type of <u>meat</u>, chicken or fish, as well as potatoes, rice and salad. On the other hand, in Spanish-speaking countries, they usually cook double portions of rice and potatoes or bananas to cook something called "calentado" in the meal.
The "calentado" is to reheat the lunch food, adding something small, regularly egg, for which it can be said that dinner in Spanish-speaking countries is <u>lighter</u>, as well as its time is usually between <u>seven</u> at night and <u>nine</u> at night, depending on the person's schedule.
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Mesera, necesito el tenedor.
1.mundial de la pintura surrealista
2.salirse de lo preestablecido y dejar de fluir el subscociente
3.La unica diferencia entre un loco y yo, esque yo no estoy loco
4. El mal gusto es creativo
and I dont know more sorry